Nov 1, 2024 – Smart scales, miracle mornings, and extra pounds in mid-life

Green shoots

Happy Friday! Each week, I’m sharing two nano health habits, a lesson, and an inspirational quote to ponder on your health journey.

No one’s yet discovered the elixir of youth. There is no one fix for a longer, healthier life. What we do have, though, are nano or micro habits that together make all the difference.

Episode 1 of my podcast The Health Refresh has just come out. It’s about why mindset matters on your way to becoming CEO of your health, and it’s only 10 minutes long. You can find it wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Two Nano Health Habits

Invest in smart scales: Smart scales at home will show you not just your weight but also your percentage of fat and your muscle mass. That’s an easy way to track your progress, so you stay strong.

Start your day with a miracle morning: One way to start the day with a positive mindset is to create a miracle morning when you first get up. That could start with a glass of water to rehydrate. Then maybe ten minutes of reading, ten minutes of thinking, and ten minutes of writing.

The world is unlikely to end if you keep your cell phone turned off for the first 30 minutes of the day when your mind is fresh and open.

One Lesson

Mid-life weight gain for women is normal: On average, women put on 15 pounds between the ages of 45 and 55. It’s completely normal – and not your fault.

But that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. There are ways to get rid of those extra pounds, including intermittent fasting which limits WHEN we eat.

One Quote

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Benjamin Franklin


Picture of Jules Walters
Jules Walters

I'm a health coach for busy people, supporting transformations in health in under 30 minutes a day.

I studied through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, and I have a first-class degree in molecular genetics through King's College London.

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