Sept 6, 2024 – Replace the sodas and clear out your pantry

Green shoots
Each Friday, I’m sharing two nano health habits, a lesson and an inspirational quote, to ponder on your health journey. No one’s yet discovered the elixir of youth. There is no one fix for a longer, healthier life. What we do have, though, are nano or micro habits that together make all the difference.

Two Nano Health Habits

Replace the sodas: One regular can of Coca-Cola has 39 grams of added sugar in it. That’s over the daily recommended limit of added sugar for a man and almost twice that recommended for a woman. A can of Coca-Cola zero has caffeine in it and no nutritional value. So if you’re drinking Coke zero in the afternoon, you may have trouble sleeping. How about sparkling mineral water or a herb tea instead? Pantry clear out: When was the last time you took everything out of the kitchen cupboard or pantry and started afresh? A clear out solves two challenges. If it’s not in your home, you can’t eat it –– and you get to design your food choices from scratch.

One Lesson

More spending doesn’t necessarily mean more health: The United States spends $13,500 per person per year per health, a whopping $4.5 trillion in total. That’s the highest health spending of any developed country. Spending is on the rise and, at the same time, the average American is getting sicker. Forty-one percent of Americans are prediabetic and don’t know it.

One Quote

“We clear a woman’s way, We don’t fear the day She steps into the light Because we are with her Every step of the fight.”
Amanda Gorman  
Picture of Jules Walters
Jules Walters

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