Oct 18, 2024 – Sleep routine, drinking enough water and food additives

Green shoots

Happy Friday! Each week, I’m sharing two nano health habits, a lesson, and an inspirational quote to ponder on your health journey.

No one’s yet discovered the elixir of youth. There is no one fix for a longer, healthier life. What we do have, though, are nano or micro habits that together make all the difference.

Two Nano Health Habits

Develop a sleep routine: Routine or habit is important when thinking about sleep. Can you go to bed and wake up about the same time each day?

If your work means you often sleep at different hours, is there a routine you could develop anyway to signal to your brain that it’s time for sleep. For example, turning off all devices an hour before bed or taking a bath.

Drink enough water: Our body can’t store water, so we need to drink it every day. Even a two per cent drop in water intake can lead to tiredness and brain fog. For most of us, a reasonable guide is to drink whenever we feel thirsty.

If you want an actual measure of how much to drink, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says enough water is about eleven-and-a-half cups for women a day and fifteen-and-a-half cups a day for men.

One Lesson

We live in a toxic food environment: Food campaigners in the US are getting organized to call for tighter regulation of the more than 10,000 additives allowed in US food.

This week it was Kelloggs’ turn with 400,000 signatures delivered to its US HQ by activists led by Vani Hari @thefoodbabe. Three additives of concern are Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6, which are banned in other countries.

If you see these additives on food packaging, put whatever it is back on the shelf!

One Quote

“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” Lucille Ball


Picture of Jules Walters
Jules Walters

I'm a health coach for busy people, supporting transformations in health in under 30 minutes a day.

I studied through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, and I have a first-class degree in molecular genetics through King's College London.

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